I'm interested in representation learning, reinforcement learning, and agentic decision making.
Imitation Learning from a Single Temporally Misaligned Video
William Huey*, Huaxiaoyue Wang*, Anne Wu, Yoav Artzi, Sanjiban Choudhury
arxiv preprint, 2025
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To learn from a single video, current approaches leverage an image encoder, distance metric on the encoder’s latent space, and distribution-matching algorithm to produce dense rewards for RL. We prove that frame-level distribution matching algorithms cannot accurately model the ground truth reward of a video demonstration. We propose ORCA (ORdered Coverage Alignment), a principled and intuitive algorithm that achieves better performance on 16 video-imitation tasks in two simulation environments.
Time Your Rewards: Learning Temporally Consistent Rewards from a Single Video Demonstration
Huaxiaoyue Wang*, William Huey*, Anne Wu, Yoav Artzi, Sanjiban Choudhury
CoRL 2024 Workshop on Whole-body Control and Bimanual Manipulation, 2024
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We show that existing approaches for inferring reward functions from video demonstrations result in temporal inconsistencies: agents complete subtasks in the wrong order, get stuck along the expert trajectory, or fail to stay in the final state. Our approach mitigates this problem, solving humanoid control tasks quickly and efficiently.
Other Projects
These include coursework, side projects and unpublished research work.
Distilling Vision-Language Models for Real-Time Traversability Prediction
William Huey*, Sean Brynjolfsson*, Donald Greenberg
Cornell Discover Undergraduate Research in Engineering Showcase, 2024
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Currently, most traversability prediction methods rely on heuristics, human demonstration, or pretraining on a specific set of object classes. We show that large pretrained vision language models can accurately predict traversability. Applying this insight, we distill fast traversability prediction models that run in real time on robot hardware, allowing for long horizon unguided exploration.
SuperEdge: A CNN-Based Approach for Quadruped Traversability Analysis from Incomplete Observations
William Huey*
CS 4756: Robot Learning Final Project, 2023
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I demonstrate self-supervised traversability learning in simulation given sparse point cloud observations. To support this project, I developed a navigation stack for legged robots in Nvidia Isaac Sim, which includes traversability estimation, environment graph generation, graph search, and path tracking.
Practices in Combinatorial Testing Relevant to Spacecraft Software Verification
William Huey*, D. Richard Kuhn, William Stanton
NASA Summer Intern Symposium, 2022
Traditional code coverage metrics, like branch and line coverage, can miss dangerous combinations of inputs to a program. Combinatorial testing is a method for covering the input space of a program, but it had not previously been investigated in the context of state-machine based systems, such as those used for flight control software. I developed a tool that automatically generates tests for these systems with a specified degree of combinatorial coverage.